D Company, 2/8th Cav, Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF), 2006-2008

"I have found that being a soldier's father is tougher than being a soldier."
LTC H Colavita (retired)  Skipper 6, 68-69

"The 2-8th Cav, Company D (DEMON) has reorganized into two tank platoons and two infantry platoons. They are attached to the 1st Brigade. Co. D, 2nd Battalion, 8th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division.  Every soldier is now a veteran. They have seen firefights, mortars, RPGs, and IEDs. . . . they have all been tested and each performed well under fire. The company commander is CPT Mike Doyle and the First Sergeant is 1SG Ricky Linton.  
Our platoons are HQ, Red, White, Blue, and Green. They correspond with their number Red = 1st, White = 2nd, and so on. Poor HQ platoon is just HQ. On the radio, they answer to Red, White, Blue, and Green. If they are with another company and there are two Reds, then they become "Demon Red". 

As for the call signs, the Platoon Leader is 1 (Blue 1). The Platoon Sergeant is 4 (Blue 4). I think in the straight Infantry companies, the Platoon Leader is still 6. But as I told you before, by MTOE we are a tank company. So we make our poor grunts adhere to the Armor standard.

The Commander is still and will forever be known as 6. Only in the CAV, is the 1SG called 9. In most units he is called 7. I’m not sure why the CAV does it differently.

The Platoon Leader and Platoon Sergeant for each platoon are:

DEMON - CPT Mike Doyle & 1SG Ricky Linton
HQ - CPT Cory Wallace & SGT Ryan Nickerson
RED - 2LT Bart Fletcher & SSG Ratcliff
WHITE - 1LT Shawn Jokinen & SFC Kendrick Battle
BLUE - 2LT Matt Jung & SFC Freddie Housey

White and Green are the Infantry Platoons.  Most of the company is on its second tour. I would say that half of the company was here with the CAV last time. Some of the others were with other units. I'd say less than a third of the company are here for the first time."  by 1SG Tramel, D 2-8CAV in Iraq

Demon Change Of Responsibility

D Company Commanders, past and present.
L to R, James Mijares (2008- ), Mike Doyle (2007-2008), Jerome Barbour (2006-2007)
and Mark Weaver (2005-2006)

Press releases from 1BCT HQ for the valorous awards earned
by the Demons for actions on 19 February in Tarmiyah






D 2-8th CAV returned home in January, 2008

Photos from our D 2/8 soldiers in Iraq

Demon Company Photos Posted at Shutterfly

Demon Company Commanders

Demon Company Change of Command Ceremony

Demon Co Honor Roll

Tajii Times Edition 17

Family Readiness Group Letter January 2008

Update from 1SG Tramel 6 July 07
Christmas Family Readiness Group Letter 2007

Tajii Times Edition 16

Family Readiness Group Letter Dec 1 2007