Vietnam Photos
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1965-1966 Page 1

Chuck Kline, Ken Perkins, and in
the background is Porfirio Perez

Tommy Lowman,Ken Perkins,
Clarence Keith, Chuck Kline

Base Camp  Camp Radcliff  Main Entrance
to 1st Cav. We were heading out!!!


Base Camp, An Khe, Hong Kong Mountain

1966 Pleiku Out like a light Chuck Kline


Waiting in our sticks for the C-130s
1st Lt Frank Trapnell in front and
Ronald Lassiter Jr. in foreground.

Mang Yang Pass on Highway 19
heading to Pleiku from An Khe 

Out of the sun and drying
my feet Chuck Kline

1966 Pleiku The Montagnard Tribe

1966 Pleiku The Montagnard Tribe

Wildcat 1966 Jim Taylor

Fresh Food

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